225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Germany, perhaps Swabia, between 1175 and 1199
MS M.645 fol. 1r
Virgin Mary: Annunciation -- Archangel Gabriel, nimbed, holds in left hand scroll, inscribed AVE GR(ATI)A PLENA CO(N)CIPIES DEVS, partly based on Luke 1:28, and raises right hand toward Virgin Mary, decorated nimbus, veiled, wearing fillet, with right hand to breast and scroll, inscribed ECCE ANCILLA DOMINI FIAT M(IHI) VERB(UM) (TUUM) from Luke 1:38, in left hand.
Scene title, inscribed ANNUNCIATIO DOMINICA, in upper border of frame.
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