225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 22v
Left column:
Angel: Fall -- Below inscription DEUS, Christ-Logos, crossed nimbus, raising right hand, holding globe with left hand, is seated on cushioned bench enclosed in cloud edged mandorla. At left, above heads of five angels, Lucifer, winged, holds with both hands scroll inscribed ASCENDAM IN CELU(M) ET SIMIL(IS) ERO ALTISS(IMO). Above is label LUCIFER ET SOCII SUI. At right, are 10 angels, eight only heads visible, below label BONI ANGELI. Below angel, with joined (?) hands, flies (?) into Hell Mouth; one angel stands beside him and 16 other angels (?), only heads visible, look on.
Right column:
Eve: Creation -- Christ-Logos, inscribed DEUS, crossed nimbus, raising right hand in blessing, grasps with left hand, rib (?) emerging from right side of nude Adam, inscribed ADAM, nimbed, reclining on ground. At end of the rib, above hand of God, is torso of nude Eve, inscribed EUA, with joined hands. Tree is in background; rabbit emerges from hole in ground in front of Adam.
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