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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Netherlands, Haarlem, 1445-1460
MS M.1031 fol. 13v

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Virgin Mary: Annunciation -- Archangel Gabriel, wearing diadem (crown), holding with left hand, and resting on right shoulder, scepter surmounted by lily, extends with right hand, scroll inscribed AVE GRACIA PLENA DOMINUS TECUM, toward Virgin Mary, nimbed, looking over right shoulder at the scroll. She is standing (?) at prie-dieu resting her hands on open book on top of the prie-dieu.
Scene in room with windows open to landscape; on shelf on wall, covered jar (?) and plate; drape behind Virgin Mary.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament and bunches of twigs, and inhabited by half-figure of angel, gesturing above scroll inscribed NE TIMEAS MARIA [...], and by two peacocks.

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