225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
Italy, Ferrara, ca. 1461
MS M.227 fol. 13r
Within floreate initial D, Virgin Mary and Christ Child: Type, sleeping Child -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, is seated, knees apart. Sleeping Christ Child, cross nimbus, sits between her knees, leaning on her left knee, resting His head on His left arm. They are flanked by two trees bearing fruit.
Upper margin:
1) In roundel of scrollwork, head of woman, veiled, inscribed, S. LVCIA, possibly Lucy of Syracuse.
2) In roundel, monogram YHS with cross, enclosed by sun.
3) In roundel of scrollwork, head of woman inscribed S. KATELINA possibly Catherine of Alexandria.
Left margin:
In lozenge of scrollwork, bust of Jonah holding scroll inscribed IONA P(RO)P(HETA).
Right margin:
In lozenge of scrollwork, bust of Isaiah, indicating with right hand scroll inscribed ISAYA.
Lower margin:
Heraldic shield of Falletti family (or three balls gules, two and one (for one and two) on a chief of the second a lion passant or within a border of the second) held by two putti, flanked by two green parrots and two rabbits.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament emerging from two vases sitting in two footed bowls in lower margin.
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