225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Austria, perhaps Vienna, ca. 1435
MS M.230 fol. 1r
New Testament:
Virgin Mary: Annunciation -- Archangel Gabriel, raising right hand, holding scepter with left hand looks toward Virgin Mary, nimbed, right hand on breast, holding open book with left hand, looks over right shoulder, back toward Gabriel.
Interior scene in space with vaulted ceiling and windows.
At left, half-figures of two prophets, one wearing headgear, both holding scrolls with illegible inscriptions.
At right, half-figures of two prophets, one wearing turban-like headgear, both holding blank scrolls.
Old Testament:
1) Abraham: entertaining the Angels -- Abraham, with joined hands, looks toward three angels, the foremost with raised hands, the others only heads visible. At left, Sarah, wearing veil (?) and wimple, stands behind partially closed door, grasping door with right hand.
2) Gideon: offering Sacrifice -- Gideon, with joined hands, kneels before altar on which is sheep; angel flies above holding sword over the altar. Another man kneels behind Gideon with hands crossed on breast.
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