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Hagiographic and homiletic Miscellany
Egypt, Fayyūm Province, 905-906
MS M.600 fol. 1v

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Cross with flared arms of equal length, decorated with round finials at corner, crenellated border, and stepped base, inscribed with prayer for artist.
Left and right arms and center:
Two flanking nimbed angels, inscribed, flying and supporting medallion enclosing bust of Christ, cross-nimbed, bearded, with raised right hand, with ring finger touching thumb, possibly in blessing, and holding book with left hand.
Lower arm:
Virgin Mary and Christ Child -- Virgin Mary, name inscribed, nimbed, veiled, seated on cushioned throne, suckling Christ Child, cross-nimbed, with right hand raised and roll in left hand, seated on her left knee.
Lower arm is flanked by two medallions enclosing busts of Evangelist Luke, name inscribed, and Evangelist John (?), both nimbed, with right hands indicating books, one inscribed with cross, in left hands.

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