225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Spain, perhaps Toledo, 1220
MS M.429 fol. 146v
1) Apocalypse: Christ promising His Reward (Revelation 22:12-20) -- Christ cross-nimbed, book in left hand, seated on cushioned bench in mandorla supported by two nimbed angels.
2) Apocalypse: John and Angel (Revelation 22:8-9) -- Angel raising John kneeling, both nimbed; inscription fragmentary [...] ANGELUM ADORAT [...] TUUS SUM ET FRAT[...] TUORUM [...] ADORA.
3) Apocalypse: John to Seven Churches -- John nimbed, holding book, before two arcades inscribed with names of seven churches including EFESO, PERGAMO, THITHUS, SARDIS, FILADELFIE.
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