225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Compilatio historiarum / Giovanni, da Udine
Switzerland, Basel, ca. 1476
MS M.158 fol. 55r
Miniature, upper left: 1) Christ: Miracle of Loaves -- Group of eight men and women, some wearing hats or veils, one woman with joined hands raised, accompany Christ, cross-nimbed, gesturing toward group of four nimbed apostles, the foremost possibly Apostle Peter. In foreground, basket laden with fish and loaves. Miniature, lower left: 2) Christ: rebuking Scribes and Pharisees -- Christ, cross-nimbed, gestures toward group of four men, wearing hats or soft hats. Miniature, upper right: 3) Christ: weeping over Jerusalem -- Before crenellated gate to city, Christ, cross-nimbed, raises hand to head and gathers garment in left hand, accompanied by two nimbed apostles. Miniature, lower right: 4) Christ: Miracle of healing Deaf and Dumb -- Christ, cross-nimbed, gestures toward youthful male, arms crossed at wrists, looking back toward group of four men, wearing hats. Miniatures are proofs for Bernhart Richel’s Spiegel der Menschlichen Behältnis (Basel: 1476) with biblical quotes, commentary and abbreviated extracts, written in German, for Christ’s Miracles and scenes between Chapters 42 and 43.
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