225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Vitae patrum
Italy, Naples, between 1350 and 1375
MS M.626 fol. 54r
1) Macarius of Egypt: Scene, Miracle of raising Man -- Macarius of Egypt, nimbed, tonsured, wearing monk’s habit, with joined hands raised, kneeling at foot of sarcophagus with open lid, out of which steps man, wrapped in shroud, with joined hands raised. At left, group of men, the foremost raising left hand (most with only heads visible).
2) Macarius of Alexandria: Scene, advising Brethren -- At right, Macarius of Alexandria, nimbed, tonsured, wearing monk’s habit, with left hand holding staff and with right hand extended toward extended hands of hooded monk, beside tonsured monk, both wearing monk’s habits, another head of monk visible in doorway of monastery at far right.
Scenes in common landscape.
Illustration of Rufinus of Aquileia, Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, Chapters 28 and 29.
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