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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 27v

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Left column:
Virgin Mary: Espousal -- Virgin Mary, name inscribed MARIA, nimbed, holds book with left hand, her right wrist grasped by right hand of Abiathar, name inscribed ABIATHAR, wearing miter and cope. With his left hand, Abiathar grasps right wrist of Joseph the Carpenter, name inscribed IOSEPH, wearing soft peaked cap, raising left hand.
Right column:
Tobias: Marriage -- Raguel, name inscribed RAGUEL, wearing soft peaked hat, stands flanked by Sara, name inscribed SARA, veiled, her right hand grasped by Raguel's right, and by Tobias, name inscribed THOBIAS, his right hand pulled toward Sara by left hand of Raguel.

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