225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, possibly Brittany, ca. 1430
MS M.1040 fol. 64r
Christ: Miracle of raising Lazarus -- Christ, crossed nimbus, raising right hand, grasping cloak with left hand stands next to sarcophagus in which sits Lazarus, wearing headgear (?), with joined hands raised, his body partially draped. Next to sarcophagus stand Martha and Mary, both nimbed, one with wimple and holding covered jar and the other with right hand on back of Lazarus. Behind them is nimbed man (?). At right stand three Apostles, the foremost holding book.
Scene in landscape with trees and rocky outcrops, all below blue sky with gold stars.
Margins decorated with border of foliate ornament and rinceaux.
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