225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
France, Paris, ca. 1350
MS M.324 fol. 13r
Roman de la Rose: Scene, Lover pierced by Arrow of God of Love -- God of Love (Eros), crowned, winged, with bow shoots arrow piercing eye of Lover, wearing tunic with belted purse, raising his hands; tree between them. Scene against patterned background within frame of miniature decorated with tendrils in left column.
Above miniatue, rubric caption of scene, CO(M)M(EN)T LE DIEU D'AMO(UR)S TRAIT A L'AMANT.
Below miniature, initial E decorated with foliate ornament and tendrils, at beginning of text, ET TRAIT A MOY PAR TEL DEUISE / QUE PAR MI L'UEIL M'A OU CUER MISE / ....
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