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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Italy, Naples, last quarter of 14th century
MS M.498 fol. 343v

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Miniature in two registers:
1) Bridget of Sweden: Scene, receiving Revelations from Christ -- Twenty-two Elect, some with hands draped, flank Virgin Mary, crowned, nimbed, with right hand extended, and Christ, cross-nimbed, both emanating rays and enclosed in star-inscribed mandorla. Christ extends open book to left hand of Bridget, wearing nun's habit, kneeling, and with right hand extending open book toward Peter of Sk³Þnninge and Peter of Alvastra, both wearing monks' habits and kneeling with hands extended, before desk flanked by two benches, on one of which is book.
2) Bridget of Sweden: Scene, Book presented to Empereor -- Peter of Alvastra and Peter of Sk³Þnninge, both wearing monks' habits, kneel on dais and present open book to crowned emperor, holding scepter in right hand and with left hand extended, seated on throne and flanked by four crowned queens and four crowned kings, each holding scepter and globe and seated on benches. Before the kings and queens are sixteen men, including two wearing hooded garments, three wearing hats, one seated beside woman, and seven clerics, including bishop, wearing miter.

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