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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Tournai, 1450-1460
MS M.78 fol. 149v

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Christopher of Lycia: carrying Christ Child -- Christopher of Lycia, scalloped nimbus, walks in water, holds staff, and bears on his shoulders Christ Child, cross-nimbed, raising right hand. At right, Nicasius of Reims, scalloped nimbus, headless and bleeding from neck, wearing bishop’s vestments, with right hand holding crozier and with left hand holding severed head, mitered (Nicasius of Reims: Scene, carrying Head). Scene in hilly landscape with trees, houses, and castle buildings in distance. Margins decorated with foliate and floreate ornament. Miniature at beginning of the Suffrages to Christopher of Lycia and Nicasius of Reims.

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