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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
M.387 fol. 96v

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Eligius of Noyon: Scene, smithing -- Eligius, nimbed, wearing leather (?) apron, raises hammer with right hand, and with pincers in left hand holds piece of metal on anvil. Smaller figure, also wearing apron, holding hammer with right hand, stands opposite. Pincers and hammer or wedge (?) are in foreground. Bellows and forge (furnace) is behind Eligius. Above him angel holds bishop's miter with infulae. At left bridled horse stands in frame looking toward the anvil.
Margins decorated with floreate border. Scroll inscribed CREAUI FABRUM SUFFLANTEM IN IGNE. HEC EST HEREDITAS SERUO(RUM) D(O)M(INI). YSAIAH LIIII (Isaiah 54:16-17, variant)

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