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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Italy, Bologna, ca. 1370
MS M.800 fol. 39v

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Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, cross-nimbed, wearing crown of thorns on inclined head, eyes closed, in loin cloth, is affixed with three nails to cross with titulus inscribed Y.N.R.I. His blood flows from wounds in hands, feet and side.
He is flanked by four flying nimbed angels, one with chalice catching blood from His side, and by Virgin Mary, veiled, and Evangelist John, in profile, both nimbed, with hands clasped.
Mary Magdalen, nimbed, in red garment, kneels at base of cross, beside artist's signature NICOLAV(S) DE BONONIA F(ECIT) (Niccolâ da Bologna).
Patterned background.
Illustration facing Canon of the Mass, Te igitur.

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