225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
France, Paris, ca. 1350
MS M.324 fol. 21r
Roman de la Rose: Scene, Danger warning Welcome -- Personification of Welcome, with her right hand raised, and bearded man representing Personification of Danger, wearing hood, with right forefinger raised and club in left hand, flank tree. Scene against patterned background within frame of miniature decorated with tendrils in left column.
In right column, rubric caption of scene, CO(M)MENT DANGIER UIENT A BEL ACUEIL POUR LI BLASMER CONTRE L'AMANT.
In right column below rubric caption, initial B decorated with foliate ornament and tendrils, at beginning of text, BEL ACUEIL POUR QUOY AMENES / ENTOUR CES ROSIERS CE UASSAL / ....
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