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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux
France, Arras, after 1246
MS M.730 fol. 9r

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1) Creation Scene: 1st Day -- Christ-Logos, cross-nimbed, stands with right hand raised toward disk enclosing colored dots.
Illustration of Genesis 01:01-02.
2) Creation Scene: 2nd Day -- Christ-Logos, cross-nimbed, stands with right hand raised and disk, divided into firmament and waters, in left hand.
Illustration of Genesis 01:06-08.
3) Creation Scene: 2nd Day -- Christ-Logos, cross-nimbed, stands with right hand raised beside disk divided into firmament, heaven, and waters.
4) Creation Scene: 3rd Day -- Christ-Logos, cross-nimbed, stands with right hand raised beside disk divided into firmament, earth with three trees, and waters.
Illustration of Genesis 01:09-13.
Scenes 1 and 4 with gold diapered and punched backgrounds, and scenes 2 and 3 with blue backgrounds, within decorated frames.

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