225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
France, Tours, ca. 1500
M.495 fol. 125r
John Baptist: Birth -- Elizabeth, nimbed and veiled, semi-reclines on draped canopy bed; next to bed, maidservant, wearing headdress extends one hand to pillow, the other to sheet. Zacharias, wearing hat, is seated on bench, writing with pen on scroll on lap, holding inkpot (?) with left hand. Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled stands at right next to midwife seated on floor holding draped infant John Baptist, nimbed. Before her is basin and pot.
Border around two sides of the miniature of camaïeu vine, some emerging from vase.
Columbine enclosed in initial D; strawberry in initial D.
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