225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Paris, ca. 1460
MS M.282 fol. 126v
Evangelist, John: drinking Poison -- John, with decorated nimbus, stands before brocade cloth of honor and with left hand indicates goblet with dragon (?), held in right hand. Beside him stand three men, including Aristodemus, wearing pointed hat and with both hands resting on hilt of sword; and man wearing hood, possibly cleric or doctor, with right hand raised. Scene in room with carved tracery, leaded-glass windows, and tile floor.
Margins with floreate and scroll ornament, inhabited in left margin by fantastic man or animal, seated on back of fantastic bird and holding it around the neck; and in lower margin by fantastic winged animal, holding sword in its forepaws.
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