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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Roman de la Rose
France, Paris, ca. 1380
MS M.132 fol. 31v

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Roman de la Rose: Scene, Shame and Fear confronting Danger sleeping in Garden -- Personifications of Shame and Fear gesture before male Personification of Danger, wearing hooded cap, with club in right hand, lies with left hand to head on grass, beside tree. Scene within gold frame decorated with gold ivy leaves. Marginal extension decorated with ivy leaves.
Above miniature in left column, rubric caption of scene, COMMENT HONTE ET PAOUR VINDRENT ESUEILLIER DANGIER QUI DORMOIT.
Below miniature in left column, painted decorated initial at beginning of text, A CE CONSEIL SE SO(N)T TENUES / PUIS EN SO(N)T A DA(N)G(IER) UENUES / ....

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