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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Belgium, Ghent, ca. 1475
MS M.484 fol. 31r

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Apocalypse: Lamb taking Book -- Within in cloud-edged mandorla, Christ, His body partially draped, holding open book with seven seals on His lap, is seated on bench next to God, holding scepter with right hand. Lamb, nimbed, stands on hind legs, its front legs touching seals of book. Four Beasts, winged, angel with joined hands, flank the mandorla. Mandorla is flanked below by twenty-four Elders, crowned, some playing musical instruments, including rebec, horn (?), portative organ, harp, lute, recorder, triangle and shawm.
Grisaille miniature with color wash.
Illustration of Revelation 5:6-8.

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