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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, possibly Angers, ca. 1470
MS M.263 fol. 33r

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Miniature: Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, rays as crossed nimbus, with crown of thorns, head inclined, eyes closed, wearing short loincloth, is affixed with three nails to tau cross with titulus INRI. Longinus, holding spear with right hand, indicating eyes with left hand, pierces side of Christ; another soldier also grasps the spear with both hands. Of the two flanking thieves, arms over cross-bars of tau crosses, Dysmas, at left looks toward Christ; Gestas hangs head, body curled up. Above sun and moon are in darkened sky; skull is at base of the cross. At lower left, Holy Woman, veiled and Evangelist John, sit behind swooning Virgin Mary, veiled. At right Longinus of Jerusalem, with raised right hand holds scroll, [...] DEI ERAT [...]. He is astride bridled horse next to soldier also mounted. Soldiers are in background, some astride horses. Margins: 1) In right margin, group of men, one with purse at waist, some wearing hats, stand in portal of church, surmounted by three statues; steeple is falling, possibly referring to Veil of Temple: rending. 2) Christ: Crucifixion, Resurrection of Dead -- In lower margin, seven men climb from graves, two with joined hands raised, one partially draped, three gesturing.

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