225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 12v
Left column:
Christ: Presentation -- Simeon, nimbed, with draped hands, stands next to draped altar looking toward Christ Child, crossed nimbus, right hand raised in blessing, holding round object with left hand. He is held on the altar by Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled. Lamp hangs above the altar; two candles stand in front of the altar.
Caption, MARIA OBTULIT FILIU(M) DOMINO, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Ark of Covenant -- Ark of Covenant as chest decorated with fleur-de-lis on lock, and with rod through two rings on side. Tree or vine with three leaves emerges from behind the chest and is flanked by two buckets and by two Tables of Law (not inscribed).
Caption, ARCHA TESTAMENTI SIG(NA)T MARIAM, is inscribed above scene.
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