225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Avis aus roys
France, probably Paris, 1347-1350
MS M.456 fol. 3v
Avis aus Roys: Text, Book I, Chapter 01 -- Louis of Toulouse, decorated nimbus, wearing bishop's miter and heraldic vestment of fleurs-de-lis over Franciscan habit, raises right hand and holds book in draped left hand.
Louis, Duke of Anjou, kneels with joined hands raised before Louis IX of France, decorated nimbus, crowned, wearing heraldic garment of fleurs-de-lis, raising right hand and holding scepter in left hand.
John Baptist, decorated nimbus, wering tunic of skins, with right hand points to disk, enclosing cross-nimbed Lamb of God holding cross-staff, in left hand.
Figures are not enclosed in frame and are painted against natural parchment background.
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