225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Florence, Italy, or in Avignon, France, during the late 1320s
MS M.713 fol. 55r
Christ: Nativity -- Six angels, nimbed, wearing diadems, in prayer, stand behind Joseph the Carpenter, nimbed, hand to head. Before them, Virgin Mary, nimbed, kneeling on tendril, places Christ Child, cross-nimbed, in swaddling clothes. Behind the child are heads of ox and ass. Beside them, Holy Ghost descends in rays from starred arc of heaven.
Scene against gold background within foliate initial C.
Shepherds: Annunciation -- In lower margin (bas-de-page), two angels, nimbed, wearing diadems, each holding floreate scepter, descend toward three shepherds, two seated, one holding staff, one playing shawm (?), and one leaning on pedum, hat slung over shoulder. They flank flock of sheep, dog, trees, rocks and hill.
Page decorated with foliate border.
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