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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Paris, ca. 1515
MS M.286 fol. 90v

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Trinity: Mercy Seat -- God, nimbed, wearing triple crowned papal tiara, is seated on throne with feet on cushion, holding with both hands, crucifix on which is Christ, nimbed, with crown of thorns, head inclined, wearing short loincloth, bleeding from wounds, affixed with three nails. God looks right toward dove of Holy Ghost, nimbed, hovering amid rays in blue mandorla. Area above dado behind throne is full of red angels. God wears garment in grisaille.
Miniature enclosed in architectural frame decorated with foliate ornament and with two putti grasping cord hanging from top left side of frame, and third putto grasping the cord and column on left side of frame.

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