225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Gospel Book
France, probably St. Amand, ca. 855-865
MS M.862 fol. 144v
Evangelist John, nimbed, seated on cushioned bench, with right hand dips pen into inkpot on stand and leans with left arm on desk on which is open book. He is flanked by two lamps hanging from medallion inscribed with cross and IT QUIA VERBORUM PENNIS SUPER ASTRA IOHANNES. HINC AQUILAE SPECIEM CELSA PETENTIS HABET. The medallion encloses evangelist symbol, eagle, nimbed, grasping book with claws.
All is enclosed below arch supported by columns with capitals, decorated with foliate ornament and interlace.
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