225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Roman de la Rose
France, Paris, ca. 1380
MS M.132 fol. 59r
Roman de la Rose: Scene, Golden Age -- Among three couples, first couple, seated, embrace; a woman reclines before seated man gesturing; and a man gestures to a woman facing him (only heads visible). All are in grassy landscape of flora and five trees, two of which are with two perching birds. Scene within gold frame decorated with gold ivy leaves.
Above miniature in left column, rubric caption of scene, DES BONNES GENS DU TEMPS PASSE COMMENT ILZ SE GOUUERNOIENT.
Below miniature in left column, champide initial E at beginning of text, EN TIEX COUCHES COM IE DEUISE / SANS RAPINE ET SANS CONUOITISE / ....
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