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Gospel Book
Italy, San Benedetto Po, between 1075 and 1099
MS M.492 fol. 100v

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Zone 1:
Christ: Washing of Feet -- At left, table is spread with two bowls, one with fish, knives, cup and two loaves. At right, Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus, extends right hand toward Peter, and with His left hand holds scroll, inscribed Q(UOD) EGO FACIO TU NESCIS M(ODO) SCIES A(U)T(EM) POS(TEA) SI N(ON) LAUERO TE NO(N) HABEBIS P(AR)TE(M) MEU(M) from John 13:7 and John 13:8. Peter, scalloped nimbus, seated, right foot in basin of water, holds with his left hand scroll, inscribed D(OMI)N(E) TU M(IHI) LAUAS PEDES NO(N) LAUABIS I(N) ET(ER)NUM NO(N) T(ANTU)M PEDES S(ET) (ET) MAN(US) (ET) CAP(UT) from John 13:6, John 13:8, John 13:9. He is attended by eight apostles, each with scalloped nimbus, one beardless, and one removing sandal.
Zone 2:
Christ: Last Supper -- Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus, with head of John on His breast, and nine apostles, each with scalloped nimbus, sit behind table on which are two bowls, two cups, two knives and four loaves. Two apostles are beardless, one holds book, one extends his right hand to bowl. In front of table kneels Judas, beardless, receiving wafer-shaped sop from right hand of Christ.
Zone 3:
Christ: Betrayal and Arrest, and Apostle, Peter: cutting off Ear of Malchus -- At left , five apostles, each with scalloped nimbus, two beardless, one holding roll, stand beside tree. At right, Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus, holds in his right hand scroll inscribed TA(N)Q(UAM) AD LAT(RO)N(EM) EXISTIS CU(M) GLADIIS E(T) FUSTIB(US) C(OM)PRE(N)DERE ME from Matthew 26:55,and SI ERGO M(E) Q(UE)RITIS SINITE HOS ABIRE from John 18:7.
In His left hand He holds scroll inscribed AMICE AD QU(I) UENISTI from Matthew 26:50, and OSCULO FILIUM HOMINIS TRADIS from Luke 22:48. He is approached by beardless Judas, who places his right arm around Christ's shoulder, and who in his left hand holds scroll inscribed AUE RABY from Matthew 26:49. He is attended by group of soldiers, four carrying spears, two with torches, one carrying lantern, one holding scabbard, one with shield inscribed S.P.Q.R.In foreground, Peter, scalloped nimbus, seizes Malchus by hair and cuts of his ear by knife held in right hand.

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