225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 34v
Left column:
Christ: Temptation, 2nd -- Christ, crossed nimbus, raising right hand, next to scroll inscribed NO(N) TEMPTAB(IS) DO(MINU)M DEU(M) TUU(M), stands on tower facing devil, arms extended, on opposite tower, next to scroll inscribed SI FILI(US) DEI ES MITTE TE DEORSUM. The two towers are part of building with portal with lock, window and medallions.
Christ: Temptation, 3rd -- Devil, arms extended, next to scroll inscribed, H(EC) O(MN)IA TIBI DABO SI CADE(N)S ADORAUIUS ME, stands facing Christ, crossed nimbus, raising right hand, standing on mound, next to scroll inscribed UADE SATHANA DO(MINUM) DEU(M) TUU(M) ADORAB(IS).
Christ: Temptation, 1st -- Devil, holding stones with draped hands, next to scroll inscribed DIC UT LAPIDES ISTI PANES FIANT, stands opposite Christ, nimbed, raising right hand, holding book with left hand, next to scroll inscribed NO(N) IN SOLO PANE IN UI(UI)T H(OM)O.
Caption, TEMPTACIO DOMINI, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Daniel: Destruction of Bel and Daniel: slaying Serpent -- Bel, name inscribed BEL, horned, with mane, and clawed hands and feet, stands holding object to mouth with right hand and raising vessel with left hand. At feet of Bel is bench or table on which are six (?) containers and four plates (?), and under which are four pitchers. At right, Daniel, name inscribed DANIEL, stands next to large pot, holding spoon in the pot with left hand, and with right hand inserts another spoon into mouth of upright winged dragon with tail terminating with head.
Caption, DANIEL DESTRUXIT BEL ET INTERFECIT DRACONEM, is inscribed above scene.
Text reference, DANIEL XIIII, is in upper margin.
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