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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Provence, ca. 1440-1450
MS M.358 fol. 13r

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Evangelist, John: Scene, on Patmos -- Evangelist John, nimbed, with right hand raising pen, and left hand holding inkpot, sits with open book on lap on island of Patmos. Evangelist symbol (eagle), nimbed, stands on scroll inscribed IOHANNES. Island set in water with ships and land in background.
Scene in arched, decorated frame.
In upper margin, hybrid animal, with bird's head and feline body, holds halberd before bear holding spear and human-faced shield (Scene, Burlesque: Fighting).
In right margin, boar, dressed as mitered bishop, rides camel (Scene, Burlesque: Riding).
In lower margin (bas-de-page), cock holds scepter in left foot. Chicken bites squirrel.
Marginal figures set within foliate border with flowers and acanthus leaves.

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