225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Rouen, 1495-1503
MS M.261 fol. 17v
Miniature in three compartments:
1) Virgin Mary and Christ Child -- Within room, Virgin Mary, seated on throne, feet on pillow, holds fig in left hand and supports Christ Child with right arm. He extends right hand to fig. They are surrounded by angels. All figures are nimbed. Wall of room inscribed with pseudo-inscriptions.
2) Below and to left, Virgin Mary: Espousal -- High priest Zacharias, nimbed, wearing miter and vestments, standing below altar canopy, places left hand on joined hands of Virgin Mary, nimbed, and Joseph the Carpenter. They are flanked by figures, including Anna and Joachim.
3) To right, Virgin Mary, nimbed, arms spread, is seated on bench behind which is patterned hanging.
Scene framed by illusionistic architectural frame decorated with two statues of male figures.
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