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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
MS M.972 fol. 77v

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Virgin Mary: Visitation -- Virgin Mary, nimbed, wearing necklace embraces Elizabeth, nimbed, wearing headdress and wimple. Zacharias (?), wearing hat, holding crutch with right hand, wearing purse at waist stands at right.
Scene in landscape with city wall with towers, buildings of brick with stepped roofs in hilly landscape with trees, body of water with cattails and boat, figures in fields, birds flying in sky.
Christ: Betrayal and Arrest and Apostle, Peter: cutting off Ear of Malchus -- Peter, nimbed, with right hand grasps hilt of sword; Malchus kneels on ground, raising right hand, bleeding from wound on right side of head. Lantern is at his right side. Christ, crossed nimbus, extending His right hand toward Malchus, is embraced by Judas. One of three soldiers grasps right shoulder of Christ; another holds torch.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament inhabited by half-figure of angel emerging from flower, playing viol.

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