225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
Italy, Florence, between 1490 and 1499
MS M.14 fol. 187r
Historiated initial A enclosing Virgin Mary, nimbed, holding open book in both hands (reading). Flanking the initial are two cherubs amid vinescroll.
In margins is foliate ornament. In left margin in oval medallion is nimbed female prophet (?), pointing toward the Virgin with right hand and holding scroll in left hand. In upper margin is medallion inscribed AVE MAR[IA]. In right margin is swan with wings extended and cherub, supporting with both hands a medallion with nimbed prophet, holding scroll in left hand. In lower margin in medallion flanked and held by two cherubs is nimbed prophet with right hand pointing upward and left hand holding scroll.
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