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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Rouen, 1495-1503
MS M.261 fol. 25v

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Jesse: Tree -- Jesse, sleeping, seated in chair, supports head with right hand and holds staff in left hand. Tree grows from his back with nine branches in which are half-figures of ancestors of Christ, including David with harp, and in central branch Virgin Mary, crowned, and Christ Child, holding round object, both appearing within mandorla of rays of light. Ancestors are identified by labels, some partially illegible: IACOB, HEBAR, IUDAS in two upper left branches; IOSAPHAT, EZEHIAS, and third unidenitified figure in two upper right branches; ABRAHAM, YSAAC, NOE in two lower left branches; and DAVID, ASIA, and SOLOMON in two lower right branches.
Below, prophets, some holding inscribed scrolls, surround Jesse. Only three scrolls have fully legible inscriptions, each held by prophet to right of Jesse. First prophet holds scroll inscribed UIRGO PEPERIT SALUATOREM. Second prophet holds scroll inscribed GERMINAUIT RADIX IESSE ORTA EST. Third prophet holds scroll (ECCE MARIA) GENUIT NOBIS SALUATOREM.
Miniature enclosed in frame. IESSE inscribed in lower border.

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