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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Provence, ca. 1440-1450
MS M.358 fol. 15r

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Evangelist Mark, nimbed, turns pages of book on bookstand on desk on which also sit four books, inkpot, and quill. Behind him, sits nimbed symbol (lion), holding book in right front paw.
Scene against diapered background within arched, decorated frame
In upper margin, man, left hand gloved, holds jesse (bird's foot) in right hand and with left hand holds string (across upper margin) tied to feet of duck.
In right margin, man holds stem of foliate border (similar reversed image on verso).
In lower margin (bas-de-page), man plays bagpipe attached to frame of text block. Hybrid man, with armored torso and foliate hindquarters, holds bow and arrow attached to frame of text block.
Marginal figures set within foliate border with flowers and acanthus leaves.

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