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England and France, London, between 1255 and 1260
MS M.524 fol. 15r

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Apocalypse: Vial II, Sea of Blood -- Angel, pearled nimbus, emerges from cross-surmounted temple, pouring out vial on heads of group of men floating in sea. Background inscribed from Revelation 16:3, ET S(E)C(UN)D(U)S A(N)G(E)L(U)S EFFUDIT FIALAM SUAM IN MARE ET SANGUIS FACTUS EST TANQUAM IN MORTUI ET OMNIS ANIMA UIUENS MORTUA EST IN MARI, and from Commentary of Berengaudus.
Illustration of Revelation 16:3.
Apocalypse: Vial III, Rivers of Blood -- To right, angel, pearled nimbus, emerges from portal, pouring out vial on four rivers issuing from rock. Background inscribed from Revelation 16:4, ET TERCIUS ANGELUS EFFUDIT FIALAM SUAM SUPER FLUMINA ET SUPER FONTES AQUARU(M) ET FACTUS EST SANGUIS, and from Commentary of Berengaudus.
Illustration of Revelation 16:4.
2) Apocalypse: Angel, Praise of Judgment -- John, pearled nimbus, bearded, with staff in right hand, and left hand raised to chin, sits on grassy mound, before angel, pearled nimbus, holding vial in draped right hand. Background inscribed from Revelation 16:5-6, ET AUDIUI ANGELUM QUARTUM DECENTEM IUSTUS ES QUI ES ET QUI ERAS SANCTUS QUI HEC IUDICASTI QUIA SANGUINEM SANCTORUM ET P(RO)PHETARUM EFFUDERUNT ET SANGUINEM EIS DEDISTI BIBERE UT DIGNI SINT, and from Commentary of Berengaudus. Hand of God emerges from cloud, holding scroll inscribed from Revelation 16:7, ET AUDIUI ALTERUM ANGELUM AB ALTARI DICENTEM ETIAM DOMINE DEUS OMNIPOTENS UERA ET IUSTA IUDICIA TUA. Angel, pearled nimbus, gestures and looks toward the Hand of God, and stands behind draped altar on which is chalice, beside candles in two candlesticks.
Background inscribed from Commentary of Berengaudus.
Illustration of Revelation 16:5-7.
Framed illustrations.

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