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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
M.387 fol. 171v

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Trinity: Three Persons -- God, crossed nimbus, wearing imperial crown, and Holy Ghost as man, crossed nimbus, wearing stole across his breast from right shoulder, are seated on throne below tent-like canopy. They support Christ, crossed nimbus, with crown of thorns wearing short loincloth, showing wounds, standing on tripartite globe. Two angels flank the canopy, one holding stem of lilies, the other holding sword.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament inhabited by bird. In left margin, donor, with joined hands, kneeling next to scroll inscribed D(OMI)NE NO(N) S(E)C(UN)D(U)M PECCA(TA) N(OST)RA FACIAS NOB(IS) (Psalm 103:10, Vulg., Psalm 102:10) Three scrolls inscribed BENEDICAT NOS D(EU)S D(EU)S NOSTER BENEDICAT NOS D(EU)S ET METUANT EU(M) OMNES FINES TERRE (Psalm 67:6-7, Vulg., 66:7-8); EUNTES DOCETE O(MNE)S GENTES BAPTIZA(N)TES EOS I(N) NO(M)I(N)E P(AT)RIS ET FILII ET SP(IRIT)US SANCTI. MATHEUS (Matthew 28:19, variant); TRES SUNT QUI TESTIMONIU(M) DA(N)T IN CELO. PATER UERBU(M) ET SP(IRITU)S S(AN)C(TU)S ET (I)H(ES)U TRES UNUM SUNT. IOHA(N)NIS (I John 5:7-8)

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