225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1450
MS M.421 fol. 19v
Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, rays as cross nimbus, wearing crown of thorns and short loincloth, bleeding from wounds, is affixed with three nails to cross with titulus INRI. At left are: two men (Longinus), one wearing pointed hat and the other wearing knotted headgear and indicating eye with left hand, both apparently holding spear piercing side of Christ; two Holy Women, nimbed and veiled, one grasping left arm of swooning Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, also supported by Evangelist John, nimbed. At right stand three men wearing pointed hats and two soldiers.
Scene in landscape with city and four horsemen in distance.
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