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Italy, perhaps Lombardy, 1320
MS M.215 fol. 4r

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Within initial I, lozenges enclosing:
1) Creation Scene: 1st Day -- Christ-Logos, with rayed crossed nimbus, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerges from water.
2) Creation Scene: 2nd Day -- Christ-Logos, with rayed crossed nimbus, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerges from water against blue sky.
3) Creation Scene: 3rd Day -- Below blue sky, Christ-Logos, with rayed crossed nimbus, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerging from water is flanked by two hills on which are two trees.
4) Creation Scene: 4th Day -- Christ-Logos, cross nimbed, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerges from water below blue sky with stars (?) and is flanked above by sun and crescent moon, and by two hills on which are two trees and plants.
5) Creation Scene: 5th Day and Creation Scene: 6th Day -- Below blue sky with stars (?), Christ-Logos, cross nimbed, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerges from water in which are fish. He is flanked above by sun, crescent moon and birds, and by two hills on which are two trees, plants, and animals.
6) Eve: Creation (?) -- Below blue sky with stars (?), Christ-Logos, cross nimbed, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand emerges from water in which are fish. He is flanked above by sun and crescent moon, and by two hills on which are two trees and plants. On hill at left, Eve emerges from side of Adam (?).
7) Creation Scene: God resting -- In mandorla, half figure of Christ-Logos, cross nimbed, raising right hand and holding roll in left hand.
8) Medallions at top and sides enclose half figure of Virgin Mary, nimbed veiled, orant, and 14 busts of prophets or ancestors of Christ.
9) In lower margin, two atlantes support initial. Initial is flanked by two monks, both tonsured, with joined hands raised, wearing white habits, kneeling, possibly Bernard Tolomei and Bernard of Clairvaux, nimbed.
Foliate ornament on extenders of initial inhabited by fantastic animals, possibly dragons, one winged, and birds, including hawk (?) and cock.
Beginning of Genesis.

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