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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
M.387 fol. 189v

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Virgin Mary, nimbed, is seated on throne with canopy. With her right hand she holds on her lap, nude Christ Child, crossed nimbus, extending His left hand to object held in left hand of Mary. They are flanked by two angels, one playing viol, the other playing harp.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament. in left margin, donor, with joined hands, kneels next to scroll inscribed O FLOS FLORII ET ROSA ROSARII INTERCEDE PRO NOBIS. Four scrolls inscribed TOTA PULCRA ES AMICA ME ET MACULA NO(N) EST IN TE. CANTICUM 4 (Song of Solomon 4:7, Vulg., Canticles 4:7); EGO MATER PULCHRE DILECTIONIS ET TIMORIS ET SANCTE SPEI. CANTICU(M) 2 (Ecclesiasticus 24:24); EGO FLOS CAMPI ET LILIUM CONUALLIUM (Song of Solomon 2:1); O PULCHERRIMA MULIERUM. CANTICUM V (Song of Solomon 5:9, 17).

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