225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Rouen, 1495-1503
MS M.261 fol. 43r
Christ: Nativity, and Virgin Mary: Adoration of Christ Child -- Within stable with wattle fence, Virgin Mary kneels with joined hands raised before Christ Child, nude, lying among folds of her mantle on ground, flanked by ox and ass. To right, Joseph, kneeling, raises both hands and looks up at star appearing in apex of stable. All figures are nimbed. Beyond wattle fence, four shepherds adore the Christ Child, including one with joined hands raised, one extending left arm, and another with arms crossed on breast. In background is landscape with buildings.
Scene framed by illusionistic architectural border decorated with four statues of male figures.
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