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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Rouen, 1470-1480
MS M.312 fol. 133r

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Christ: Bewailing -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with joined hadns raised, sits, supporting on her lap body of Christ, cross-nimbed, in loin cloth. His head is held by Evangelist John, nimbed, kneeling. Behind them are three nimbed Holy Women, one wearing veil and two with joined hands raised. At left is female donor, veiled, kneeling with joined hadns raised and holding book under her arm.
Surrounding scene are Instruments of the Passion, including cock standing atop column; two lances, leaning against tau-cross with titulus inscribed INRI and draped with purple garment; and three dice.
Scene in landscape setting with hills adn buildings in distance.
Margin decorated with floreate ornament, including daisies, thistle, roses, and strawberries, inhabited by moth, dragon, and hybrid man, wearing hat.
Grapevines in decorated initial D.

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