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Compilatio historiarum totius Bibliae et historiarum scholasticarum
Austria, ca. 1420
MS M.192 fol. 2v
Medallion, double:
Adam and Eve: at Labor -- Flanked by two trees, Adam, right hand on breast, touching face with left hand, sits on ground next to spade. Eve, right hand on knee, left hand on breast, sits next to distaff; spindle is in her lap.
Medallion, upper left:
Half-figure of Cain, holding jawbone of animal with right hand and raising left hand. Medallion labeled CAYN.
Medallion, upper right:
Half-figure of Abel, nimbed, holding palm with left hand. Medallion labeled ABEL.
Medallion, lower:
Half figure of Seth with right hand on breast and raising rod with left hand. Medallion labeled SETH.
Text is from Genesis.
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