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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Cas des nobles hommes et femmes malheureux
France, probably Tours, ca. 1480
MS G.35 fol. 126r

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Two scenes in continuous narrative at center, all in city of Rome, occupied by helmeted soldiers, some on horseback, some with spears or halberds, and some with cross-inscribed banners:
1) De Casibus Virorum Illustrium: Scene, Marcus Manlius Capitolinus fighting Gauls -- Helmeted Roman soldiers, armed with spears ahd halberds, defend tower from helmeted Gauls, including some scaling ladders, some aiming bows and arrows, and some fallen into Tiber river.
2) De Casibus Virorum Illustrium: Scene, Death of Marcus Manlius Capitolinus -- Group of Romans stand atop Tarpeian Rock, from which is falling Marcus Manlius, with named inscribed, headfirst toward Tiber river.
Margins with floreate and ivy-rinceaux ornament.

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