225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Rouen, ca. 1500
MS M.220 fol. 43r
Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, with crossed rays as nimbus, wearing crown of thorns and short loin cloth, bleeding from wounds, is affixed with three nails to tau cross with titulus inscribed INRI. Flanking Christ are two theives, both wearing short loin cloths and bound to tau crosses. Mary Magdalen, nimbed, kneeling, embraces the base of Christ's cross. To left stand two Holy Women, both nimbed and veiled, standing behind Evangelist John, nimbed, supporting Virgin Mary, nimbed, veiled, swooning. To right are three men, including one gesturing toward the Christ, all wearing hats, and helmeted soldiers. In background are trees, city of Jerusalem beside river, and sky with sun and moon.
Margins with floreate and vinescroll ornament, inhabited by peacock.
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