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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1515
MS M.399 fol. 92v

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Miniature divided into eight panels by illusionistic wood frame.
Virgin Mary: Miracle of Seven Sorrows -- Within central panel, Virgin Mary, nimbed, wearing wimpled veil, seated, with hands folded in lap, is pierced by five swords (sword of compassion).
In seven panels around her, Seven Sorrows of the Virgin, clockwise from the top left corner:
1) Christ: bearing Cross -- Behind soldiers, Christ, rayed nimbus, bears tau-cross over shoulder. He is followed by Virgin Mary, nimbed, and two Holy Women.
2) Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, rayed nimbus, wearing loin cloth, is affixed with three nails to tau cross. He is flanked by Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with hands crossed at breast, partly kneeling, and Evangelist John, nimbed, with clasped hands raised to cheek.
3) Christ: Piet³l -- Seated at base of cross, Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, seated with joined hands raised, supports body of Christ, rayed nimbus, on her lap.
4) Christ: Entombment -- Joseph of Arimathea and Evangelist John, nimbed, lower shrouded body of Christ, rayed nimbus, into sarcophagus. Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with hands clasped at breast, and Holy Woman look on.
5) Christ: Presentation -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, supports Christ Child, nimbed, standing on altar. Simeon extends both hands towards Him. Several figures, including Joseph the Carpenter with basket of doves and Anna Prophetess with candle, look on.
6) Christ: Flight into Egypt -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, holding Christ Child in both arms, rides sideways on ass, following Joseph the Carpenter, holding staff and sack over shoulder.
7) Christ: among Doctors -- Christ Child, nimbed, stands at top of stairs on platform amid doctors. Virgin Mary, nimbed andveiled, appears to left.

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