225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Der Wälsche Gast
Germany, Trier, ca. 1380
MS G.54 fol. 38r
Thomasin von Zerclaere: Text, Der Wälsche Gast, Book 05.05 -- Nude man, with scroll inscribed DIE DUGENDE VERLICHT IR AMPIT YREN DYENERN (sic), wearing hat, sits with ankles crossed on bench. Before him stand four men, including three wearing hoods. Each has scroll, inscribed KOMET ZUM MIR WILT IR ERE, ICH LICHT ERE GEBORDERT, GYFF MIR DAZ ICH ARG SY, and LICH MIRDEN WUCHER.
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