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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
M.387 fol. 310v

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Christ: Ascension -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with joined hands stands amid 12 apostles, nimbed, some only nimbus visible, two with joined hands, Evangelist John with hands crossed on breast, Peter raising right hand and holding book in draped left hand. Most look up toward legs and feet of Christ, showing wounds, visible amid rays in cloud-edged arc of Heaven. Below, His footprints are visible on ground. He is flanked by two angels, one extending left hand toward him, the other with joined hands.
Margins decorated with border of floreate ornament inhabited by bird. Four scrolls inscribed EUNTES I(N) UNIUERSU(M) MU(N)DU(M) ET PREDICATE EUUA(N)GELIU(M) O(MN)I C(RE)ATURE Q(UI) CREDIDERIT ET BAPTIZAT(US) FUERIT SALU(US) ERIT QUI UERO NO(N) CREDIDERIT CONDEMPNABITUR. MARCE ULTIMO (Mark 16:15-16) on scrolls in upper and right margins; UIRI GALILEI QUID AMMIRAMINI ASPICIENTES IN CELUM. ALLELUYA. SIC UENIET. ACT(US) (Acts of the Apostles 1:11, variant); ASCENDIT DEUS IN IUBILO ITER PANDENS.

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